Wednesday, April 1, 2015

What Is a Bully?

A bully, according to the dictionary, is:

One who uses superior strength or influence to intimidate someone, typically to force him or her to do what one wants.

Consider the power relationship that exists between Sophie and members of the upper administration at UNCG. What power does she hold? Then, I ask you to think about the relationship between members of the upper administration and their employees.

Where does the power lie? Who is doing the bullying? How can a nobody ‘bully’ the powerful? If I have power, it lies in speaking the truth.

The accusation of injury is a typical tactic when the powerful get called out; to turn the tables and play the victim.

It means this is working.

I am sorry if these people find their own actions to be cruel and insulting. I am sorry if they are experiencing any small measure of the discomfort that they have doled out so glibly to others over the years. I am sorry that this filth had to exist in order for it to come to light.

If there had been other means to address these issues; If it had been possible to deal with these problems via civilized discourse; If they weren’t bullies accustomed to the use of intimidation…but that’s not the world we live in. My mother always used to say: “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”

If the executives find it horrifying, they must know that they are responsible. Sophie has held a mirror to their faces and they do not like it when others see their twisted reflection.

If the folks in the upper administration at UNCG are truly concerned with the creation of a positive work environment, then I applaud them. Admitting they have a problem is a first step, but unfortunately, I have seen no indication that such an admission is forthcoming. 

Instead they will play the part of the injured innocent and make bizarre and melodramatic claims that the words I write could incite violence. They may as well claim that I will summon unicorns and the wrath of Horus. Dana Dunn plays the part of a horrified damsel asking if anyone would really like to come work on our campus where such behavior (writing about the truth) is acceptable.

Were they supposed to be more enticed by a place that has its employees arrested? That spends 91 million dollars on a Rec center while claiming a dearth of funds? Where screaming at your employees is considered an executive privilege? Where students are assaulted for exercising free speech?  I could go on, but it isn’t necessary. We’re national news.

The truth hurts. 

It’s time to clean up.

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