Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Latest Employee Paycut

I think we're just about scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of ways to suck money up to the top layer of fat at UNCG. A new policy has just been announced by the Chancellor's office regarding adverse winter weather. Really, you will find yourself in one of three tracks should the roads be covered with ice and visibility reduced to only slightly past the end of your own nose.

Track 1: You are an essential employee. You must come to work. No matter what. Plagues of locusts, sharknadoes, or the storm of the century. You are probably paid the least and therefore your safety is cheaper. Upper admin uses the Jedi mind trick of saying your are essential but not valuable.

Track 2: You are not an essential employee. At least not in the sense of needing to risk life and limb on the highway coming to work...if you are willing to buy your safety. For the low, low price of a vacation day or leave without pay, you can stay off of the ice covered roads just long enough to realize that the money you have lost means that even if you could go out and get milk, you wouldn't be able to afford it.

Track 3: You make a ridiculous amount of money for something that nobody really can define. You aren't essential, that much is clear. You are encouraged to keep yourself safe and warm by your fireplace, wrapped in your imported noro afghan and occasionally wondering aloud "how the other half lives." Should you find the tedium of being trapped inside drinking brandy begin to overcome you, you could always reorganize departments, fire employees, create new draconian 'money-saving' policies or simply kick someone smaller and weaker.

My suggestion?

 When there's black ice on the roads and snows are piling up, let the chancellor warm up her fancy car and risk her $324,000 salary to come in and cook and clean and patrol. And let the men and women who are among the most shamefully underpaid employees have those days as paid vacation. I think that seems more just, don't you?

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